Trip of Ancient Civilizations

I turned 40 the other day (I know! I don’t look a day older than 20, right?!) and if that’s not reason enough to celebrate by traveling halfway/ish around the world (let’s be honest, pretty much anywhere away from Mongolia is about halfway around the world), then I don’t know what is.

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European vacation!

While Central Europe has been flooding, we packed up the kids and took to the road (very much traveled). For two weeks, our European road-trip extravaganza brought us to countless cities in two beautiful countries: Slovenia and Italy. Before we dive into recap mode, here’s a few quotes that more or less described our adventures: “Fish are friends, not food” – a recurring we were told by the kids as they watched Nemo over and over again. Me: “Just how many pizzas did the kids eat this week?” Waitress: “And now I give your children lollipops, yes?” John (serious): “We … Continue reading European vacation!