Buenos Aires Recap (or more wine please!!!)

And we are back from a fun trip to Buenos Aires! Yes, it was a fun trip all around (I did mention we had a babysitter for two evenings, right?) and I can safely say that the kids loved Argentina as much as we did (let’s see if we can add in another trip before we leave South America…hm, perhaps that’s a bit too ambitious?). Here are everyone’s highlights: Luca:– riding a taxi– hanging out and looking out of the windows at the airport– flying on a plane (we almost got through take-off without crying…fine…melting down)– riding a taxi– taking … Continue reading Buenos Aires Recap (or more wine please!!!)

Buenos Aires Bound!

…tomorrow at this time, we’ll be on our way (yet again – what travelers we are!) to Buenos Aires! John and I have been to Argentina a few times (some might say that Luca was a souvenir from one such trips to the beautiful Mendoza wine region) and absolutely love the country, food, and people. So now that we are pretty much literally living next door, we thought it was important for the kids to learn to appreciate Argentine steak and alfajores…[they should be familiar with those fabulous cookies since I more or less lived on them during both of … Continue reading Buenos Aires Bound!